In the Press

Are you a journalist and want to get in touch with us?

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The EFP has been the object of several articles and publications. Among others (the links below are in chronological order from the older on top of the page to the most recent on the bottom):

 untitled  tumblr_mbjebsOqxT1qbp3xoo1_500  cctva WallStreetJournal
 voix nord  echo  libre  page_1_thumb_large
 parisien  derwesten  brusselsdiplomatic
 radikox  tv5  sette


  ansa  europost-heading1  euronews_logo  lettera43-logo-300x179
  theParliament_logo  Kathimerini_logoLe-Progres3  logo_France-bleu  TheEpochTimesLogo
 letelegramme_logo  site-masthead-logo@2x  logo-of-167x72  cctvc
 indexheader-logo  images  calelogo-300x111