Newsletter-June: petitions, events across Europe, open letter on Grexit
In this newsletter:
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1) Launching of the Petition
2) Europe Day – The EFP celebrated 9th May across Europe!
3) Open Letter by EFP President and Vice-president to Merkel and Tsipras
4) Recent Events
5) Next Events
2) Europe Day – The EFP celebrated 9th May across Europe!
3) Open Letter by EFP President and Vice-president to Merkel and Tsipras
4) Recent Events
5) Next Events
Have an impact: Renew your membership!
As you will see below, we have been very active in the past few weeks, so why not joining or renewing your membership? The EFP is a voluntary-based organisation which does not receive funding from the EU or any other body. Our activities are fully funded through membership fees and donation from our members. Especially during tough economic times, your financial support is fundamental. We therefore invite you to consider showing your support for the federalist cause by becoming a Full Member of the European Federalist Party, by renewing your membership and by donating. Please remember that our organization continues to be fully run by volunteers. To bring forward this continental-s
cale project we need financial as well as human resources.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, by credit card or by PayPal. Please follow this link to make a donation, or join here.
1) Launching of the Petition
The European borders are our common borders! Support our
campaign to save people and protect our borders. Come on Board!
SIGN ONLINE and follow us on Facebook (
2) Europe Day – The EFP celebrated 9 May across Europe!
(Brussels, Milan, Paris, Lyon, Bretagne, Marseille, and many more!)
(Brussels, Milan, Paris, Lyon, Bretagne, Marseille, and many more!)

3) Open Letter by EFP President Pietro De Matteis and Vice-president Georgios Kostakos to Merkel and Tsipras
“Angela and Alexis, stop playing with our future!” (Open letter in 8 languages)
4) Recent Events Across Europe
- 27/04/2015 – Brussels. Monthly Drink and Talk organised by EFP Belgium at Scot’s Bar Celebrating 20 years of Schengen and discussing the role of European Regions. With Prof. Christof Roos from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Dr. Gianluca Spinaci, Head of Cabinet of the Secretary General of the Committee of Regions on the topic of regionalism and the role of regions in the integration process.
- 18/05/2015 – Athens: Meeting with MEPs Eva Kaili and Gianni Pittella in Greece. The President of EFP Greece, Dr. Harry Stamelos, saluted the Convention conveying to the public essential information regarding the EU Federation colliding with the S&P political ideology.
- 26/05/2015 – Marseille: Conference. Held at the Comité Européen, the conferece focused on the theme “Chemins escarpés de l’Europe: les propositions fédéralistes” (the difficult European paths: the federalist proposals).
5) Next Events
- 12/06/2015 – University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. EFP President Pietro De Matteis will be the main speaker at the conference “United States of Europe: dream or reality?”. Alison Richard Building (ARB), 7 West Road, 1st floor, Room 138, CB3 9DT. All interested persons are welcome to join (please send an email with your name and occupation to: More information can be found here.
- 13/06/2015 – Lyon, France. Conference “Convergences fédérales”. Speakers include 3 EFP Members: Alice Stradi, Alain Malegarie, and Michel Caillouët. More info is available here.
- 26/09/2015 – Brussels, Belgium. EFP/Stand Up are co-organising: “Les assises du fédéralisme” (“The Federalist Debates”). More information and the programme of the event will follow in the coming months.