Newsletter April European Federalist Party: on the media, events, new sections!
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2) EFP in world, national and local news!
3) EFP took part in the elections in Greece and France
4) Recent Events Across Europe
5) Next Events
Our national politicians are playing with fire, and the effects of their statements could have long-lasting effects in the mind of Europeans. But nothing is lost, yet. There is also an increasing awareness of the need to build a political union. This is urgent for the Eurozone as hinted to by the ECB President Mario Draghi, but also in other policy areas such as defence, which would require a European Army, as pointed out by European Commission President Juncker.
With your active support, the European Federalist Party will continue to defend Spinelli’s idea. By taking part in the elections – as we did for the Greek, French and European elections (in 6 countries) – we oblige all parties to take a position on European Federalism and on their vision of Europe. In addition, by contributing to the public debate through local events across Europe we are popularizing the debate on the future of Europe, speeding up the process of democratic European integration.
If you also believe that United we are Stronger, it is time to become active in your local community and build your Europe with us!
Pietro De Matteis, PhD (Cambridge)
European Federalist Party

Do you want to actively work for a better Europe?
Contact your local sections or write to me via Facebook and Twitter or email
2) EFP in world, national and local news!
- The President of the European Federalist Party, Dr. Pietro De Matteis, was interviews by CCTV America on the issue: “EU Commission President proposes EU military force”
- The President of the European Federalist Party, Dr. Pietro De Matteis, was interviewed by CCTV World News on the issue of the “EU Army”
- The coordinator of EFP Greece Dr Harry Stamelos appeared twice on Nerit TV Station, which is the public national TV of Greece, twice, with importation politicians of Greece, on 19 and 25 of January.
- Defence News – World – “Britain Rejects EU Army Proposal” intervention by Pietro De Matteis
- News247 – Greece – Υποψήφιος στο Επικρατείας του ΠΑΣΟΚ ο Χαράλαμπος Σταμέλος
- Ouest-France – France- Sénatoriales. La liste du Parti fédéraliste européen en Ille-et-Vilaine
- Le Télégramme – France, Bretagne – Création d’une section bretonne du Parti fédéraliste européen
- The New Federalist – Europe – We need a “third way” for Europe! by Pietro De Matteis
- To BHMA – Greece – Χ. Σταμέλος: Το ΠαΣοΚ η κατ’εξοχήν προοδευτική μεταρρυθμιστική φιλοευρωπαϊκή δύναμη – PASOK is the progressive reformist proEuropean political party
- Treffpunkt.Europa – Germany – Zeitschrift der Jungen Europäischen Föderalisten Deutschland article by Pietro De Matteis
- Calea Europeana – Romania – Avem nevoie de o nouă cale pentru Europa! by Pietro De Matteis
- To BHMA – Greece – Βενιζέλος: Να δώσουμε τόπο στη νέα γενιά
3) EFP took part in elections in Greece and France

Greece: After the successful organisation of the European Convention of the European Federalist Party in Athens, EFP Greece has constructively engaged with MEP Ms Eva Kaili from PASOK, who also had joined for the convention. EFP Greece accepted the invitation of 8th of January to cooperate with PASOK, member of S&D in the European Parliament, for the elections. Several EFP Greece candidates ran for election in the joint list under the PASOK name, which came out as the seventh party, receiving 4,68% of the votes. 13 Members of the European Parliament were elected.
France: Congratulations to our candidates who ran for local elections in March. Hervé Bégeot head of list in Alsace (Schiltigheim-Bischheim) performed well with a score of 9,65%. In Normandy (Aunay-sur-Odon), our EFP member – as substitute – realized 21,27 % of the ballots and the list finished third. The results analysed by the president of the French section of the EFP, Yves Gernigon, are available here and here.
4) Recent events across Europe
- 27/01/2015 – Brussels. Meeting with the Vice-President of the European Parliament Rainer Wieland to discuss about the future of Europe and the possibility of a European Convention together with Democracy International, Europe Avenir, European League for Economic Co-operation and UEF.
- 30/01/2015- Athens. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Evaggelos Venizelos accepted EFP Greece and PES activists Greece in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Alfredo Saltiel, Georgios Kostakos and Harry Stamelos were in the meeting, which received wide publicity in the TV and in various newspapers.
- 31/01/2015- Brussels. Meeting EFP Belgium and Stand Up for the United States of Europe to further develop our cooperation with the aim of “Federating the Federalists“.
- 23/02/2015- Brussels. Opening Conference of the University Circle Stand Up-EFP at the Université Saint Louis in Brussels with the Ambassadors of the UK, Croatia and Albania to Belgium.
- 10/03/2015 – Brussels. Meeting of the “Federalist Galaxy” organised by Isabelle Durant (former MEP and member of the Spinelli Group) with the Young European Federalists, Union of European Federalist, European Federalist Party, Stand Up for the United States of Europe, Spinelli Group, Europe Avenir) in order to start some grassroots cooperation at the local level in Belgium.
- 12/03/2015- Brussels. Conference in Brussels on the role of lobbies in the EU.
- 14/03/2015 – Bretagne. Opening of the “Breton Section” of the EFP. The event was also noted by the local media and an article appeared on Le Télégramme – Création d’une section bretonne du Parti fédéraliste européen.
- 30/03/2015 – Brussels/Salzburg. Meeting of EFP-Belgium with Austrian Students in Brussels.
- 09/04/2015 – Milan. Regular meetings are organised by the Italian section of the European Federalist Party.
- 11/04/2015 Meeting of the Section Alpes Cote d’Azur (France)
- 23/04/2015 – Brussels. At 18h Opening Conference of the Cercle Universitaire Stand Up-EFP at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. More information will appear on our the Cercle’s Facebook page
- 25/04/2015 – Brussels. The Greek section of Alfredo Saltiel (Vice President), Georgios Kostakos and Harry Stamelos will have a meeting with MEP Eva Kaili and other important persons in Brussels.
- 26/04/2015 – Brussels. Internal meeting of EFP project coordinators from various countries in order to discuss the next steps in view of launching a new pan-European initiative in partnership with other organisations (details will follow, be ready!)
- 27/04/2015 – Brussels. Monthly Drink and Talk organised by EFP Belgium at 19:30 at the Scot’s Bar (Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères 51, Bruxelles). The event is open to every interested person in Brussels. Join us you will have 10% reduction on your drinks! More info will be available on our Facebook page.
- 09/05/2015 – Paris. “Let’s Celebrate Europe Day with the European Federalist Party youth”. Register through this link.