Call for contributions to our Electoral Programme!
Electoral Programme
We are presently working on a draft of our electoral progamme for the 2014 European Parliament elections. Using as a basis our Manifesto, we are organizing working groups in the following areas:
1. Democracy and accountability (institutional design) |
2. European Integration |
3. Employment |
4. Foreign and defense policy |
5. Security |
6. Public Finances |
7. Fiscal harmonization |
8. European Central Bank |
9. European social model |
10. Solidarity (cohesion policy) |
11. Justice |
12. Industrial policy |
13. Energy policy |
14. Environment |
15. Research and Innovation |
16. Culture |
17. Education |
18. Language |
f you feel that your expertise could help us in one or more of these areas, and would like to collaborate, please let us know by contacting us at
The more input we get, the more representative our programme will be and the more robust our solutions for the future of Europe!
Press Releases
Here’s a brief summary of our most recent statements on current European affairs.
What Europe looks like after Cameron’s speech: the road towards the 2014 EP elections
Our take on David Cameron’s January 23rd speech on the relation between Britain and the EU: it is clear that the British Prime Minister hopes for a yes to a referendum that, in his eyes, should have two effects. On the one hand, it should confirm the need for the “repatriation” of certain powers to the UK; on the other, it should allow him to keep the leadership of the Tories ahead of the next Parliamentary elections.

Chancellor Merkel’s Davos’ speech
We are disappointed with Chancellor Merkel’s speech at Davos on January 24th, where she proposed the adoption of a competitiveness pact via contracts between each member state and the European Commission.
Tougher credit rating rules approved by the European Parliament
We support the new rules on credit ratings agencies approved by the European Parliament on January 23rd and call for the establishment of a European Credit Rating Agency.
Campaign Support
We have recently endorsed two deserving European Citizen Initiatives: Fraternité 2020, which advocates enhanced Erasmus, European Volunteer Service and other exchange programs; and Right2Water, the largest ECI against privatization of water resources and fighting for the recognition of access to water and sanitation as a public good and universal right.
We are also looking forward to the publication of the European Federalist Papers – an initiative of Leo Klinkers and Herbert Tombeur.
RENEW Your Membership & DONATE! Help us to help Europe!

Especially during tough economic times, your financial support is fundamental. We therefore invite you to consider showing your support for the federalist cause by becoming a Full Member of the European Federalist Party, by renewing your membership and by donating. Please remember that our organization continues to be fully run by volunteers. To bring forward this continental-scale project we need financial as well as human resources.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, by credit card or by Paypal. Please follow this link to make your payment.
If you wish to have a more active role in the EFP through national or local sections, please write an e-mail to Pietro De Matteis, EFP co-President (e-mail: