The European Federalist Party successfully held its 4th Eurpean Convention in Athens on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th November 2014 with the theme
“From European elections to establishing European Federalism”.
On Saturday 8th, the Convention hosted four panels with high-level speakers, including Members of the Greek Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Health, Members of the European Parliament, the mayor of Athens and renowned university professors (for more details, please see the full programme here.)

The first panel focused on Europe and Federalism and the key challenges for Europe, including EU existential crisis, growing economic divergence, high unemployment levels and Member States and the need to rebuild bridges among European citizens and the European project. The second panel US federalism: helpful or undesirable for Europe? put into perspective US and EU political models.
The third panel analyzed
the rise of Euro-scepticism in France and how to face it. Last but not least, the fourth panel welcomed EFP candidates from 6 EU Member States, who shared their experience based on their participation in May’s European elections. The four panels were also the opportunity for the panelists to present their works and share their vision for Europe’s future.
On Sunday 9th, the Convention voted and adopted EFP Statute amendments and elected a new Board. Pietro De Matteis, one of the founding members of the party, has been elected as EFP President. Georgios Kostakos and Emmanuel Rodary have been elected, respectively, Vice-President and Secretary General.
In his address, the President, supported by the new Board, strongly emphasized that
“Europeans need to work towards a more united Europe if we want that future generations enjoy the same rights and opportunities that we enjoyed until before the crisis”. “We do not want any kind of Europe” he added,
“being federalists means that we want a Europe that is fully democratic”.
To access more photos of the event, please visit our Facebook album.
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Especially during tough economic times, your financial support is fundamental. We therefore invite you to consider showing your support for the federalist cause by becoming a Full Member of the European Federalist Party, by renewing your membership and by donating. Please remember that our organization continues to be fully run by volunteers. To bring forward this continental-scale project we need financial as well as human resources.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, by credit card or by PayPal. Please follow this link to make your payment.
If you wish to have a more active role in the EFP through national or local sections, please write an e-mail to Pietro De Matteis, EFP President (e-mail: